
Member for
9 years 3 months 12 days
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Please note that Find a Grave Guidelines now have a note that memorial managers have the responsibility to research the edits that are sent by 'Suggest Edits' or 'Suggest other Corrections', and that edits should be accepted or declined according to the manager's research or the research that is sent in. It would help greatly with time spent on verification, if you would kindly send in your sources, by using the 'Suggest other Corrections' tab.
"Genealogy without documentation is mythology"
*****************************************A cemetery is a history of people - a perpetual record of yesterday and a sanctuary of peace and quiet today


~They walk with us down quiet paths, and speak in wind and rain, for the magic power of memory, gives them back to us again~

"One day, you're 17 and you're planning for someday. And then quietly, without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life. "-John Green


Your tombstone stands among the rest,
the name and date are chiseled out
On polished marble stone.
It reaches out to all who care
It is to late to mourn.
You did not know that I exist
You died and I was born
Yet each of us are cells of you
In flesh, in blood, and bone.
Our blood contracts and beats a pulse
Entirely not our own.
Dear Ancestor, the place you filled
One hundred years ago
Spreads out among the ones you left
Who would have loved you so.
I wonder if you lived and loved,
I wonder if you knew
That someday I would find the spot,
And come to visit you.

In eternal honor of our ancestors
Who left behind so much,
Who started here with so little,
That we might have everything.



We Are The Chosen

We are the chosen. In each family there is one who seems called to find the ancestors. To put flesh on their bones and make them live again, to tell the family story and to feel that somehow they know and approve. Doing genealogy is not a cold gathering of facts but, instead, breathing life into all who have gone before. We are the storytellers of the tribe. All tribes have one. We have been called, as it were, by our genes. Those who have gone before cry out to us, "Tell our story!" So, we do. In finding them, we somehow find ourselves. How many graves have I stood before now and cried? I have lost count. How many times have I told the ancestors, "You have a wonderful family; you would be proud of us." How many times have I walked up to a grave and felt somehow there was love there for me? I cannot say. It goes beyond just documenting facts. It goes to who am I and why do I do the things I do. It goes to seeing a cemetery about to be lost forever to weeds and indifference and saying, "I can't let this happen." The bones here are bones of my bone and flesh of my flesh. It goes to doing something about it. It goes to pride in what our ancestors were able to accomplish, how they contributed to what we are today. It goes to respecting their hardships and losses, their never giving in or giving up, their resoluteness to go on and build a life for their family. It goes to deep pride that the fathers fought and some died to make and keep us a Nation. It goes to a deep and immense understanding that they were doing it for us. It is of equal pride and love that our mothers struggled to give us birth. Without them we could not exist, and so we love each one, as far back as we can reach. That we might be born who we are. That we might remember them. So we do. With love and caring and scribing each fact of their existence, because we are they and they are the sum of who we are. So, as a scribe called, I tell the story of my family. It is up to that one called in the next generation to answer the call and take my place in the long line of family storytellers. That is why I do my family genealogy, and that is what calls those young and old to step up and restore the memory or greet those whom we had never known before.

-Author Unknown


Strangers In The Box

Come, look with me inside this drawer,
In this box I've often seen,
At the pictures, black and white,
Faces proud, still, and serene.
I wish I knew the people,
These strangers in the box,
Their names and all their memories,
Are lost among my socks.
I wonder what their lives were like,
How did they spend their days?
What about their special times?
I'll never know their ways.
If only someone had taken time,
To tell, who, what, where, and when,
These faces of my heritage,
Would come to life again.
Could this become the fate,
Of the pictures we take today?
The faces and the memories,
Someday to be passed away?
Take time to save your stories,
Seize the opportunity when it knocks,
Or someday you and yours,
Could be strangers in the box.

Author Pam Harazim, contributed by Ann Marie Freeman

Some ancestors had a magic way
Of leaving trails to climb each day
They had a goal and climbed with care
Faith gave them dreams and a home most fair
So from a land across the sea
They came to a land most promised to be
And lived their lives happy and free
They gave us freedom and a heritage great
Anchoring our souls from a cruel fate
Great thrills and joys their stories bring
Of the lives they lived and the songs they sing
God grant that I may useful be
And meet these dear ones in Eternity

- Eunice E.C. Record


Genealogy, begins as an interest, becomes a hobby, continues as an avocation and in the last stages, is an incurable disease.
Author Unknown


Please note that Find a Grave Guidelines now have a note that memorial managers have the responsibility to research the edits that are sent by 'Suggest Edits' or 'Suggest other Corrections', and that edits should be accepted or declined according to the manager's research or the research that is sent in. It would help greatly with time spent on verification, if you would kindly send in your sources, by using the 'Suggest other Corrections' tab.
"Genealogy without documentation is mythology"
*****************************************A cemetery is a history of people - a perpetual record of yesterday and a sanctuary of peace and quiet today


~They walk with us down quiet paths, and speak in wind and rain, for the magic power of memory, gives them back to us again~

"One day, you're 17 and you're planning for someday. And then quietly, without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life. "-John Green


Your tombstone stands among the rest,
the name and date are chiseled out
On polished marble stone.
It reaches out to all who care
It is to late to mourn.
You did not know that I exist
You died and I was born
Yet each of us are cells of you
In flesh, in blood, and bone.
Our blood contracts and beats a pulse
Entirely not our own.
Dear Ancestor, the place you filled
One hundred years ago
Spreads out among the ones you left
Who would have loved you so.
I wonder if you lived and loved,
I wonder if you knew
That someday I would find the spot,
And come to visit you.

In eternal honor of our ancestors
Who left behind so much,
Who started here with so little,
That we might have everything.



We Are The Chosen

We are the chosen. In each family there is one who seems called to find the ancestors. To put flesh on their bones and make them live again, to tell the family story and to feel that somehow they know and approve. Doing genealogy is not a cold gathering of facts but, instead, breathing life into all who have gone before. We are the storytellers of the tribe. All tribes have one. We have been called, as it were, by our genes. Those who have gone before cry out to us, "Tell our story!" So, we do. In finding them, we somehow find ourselves. How many graves have I stood before now and cried? I have lost count. How many times have I told the ancestors, "You have a wonderful family; you would be proud of us." How many times have I walked up to a grave and felt somehow there was love there for me? I cannot say. It goes beyond just documenting facts. It goes to who am I and why do I do the things I do. It goes to seeing a cemetery about to be lost forever to weeds and indifference and saying, "I can't let this happen." The bones here are bones of my bone and flesh of my flesh. It goes to doing something about it. It goes to pride in what our ancestors were able to accomplish, how they contributed to what we are today. It goes to respecting their hardships and losses, their never giving in or giving up, their resoluteness to go on and build a life for their family. It goes to deep pride that the fathers fought and some died to make and keep us a Nation. It goes to a deep and immense understanding that they were doing it for us. It is of equal pride and love that our mothers struggled to give us birth. Without them we could not exist, and so we love each one, as far back as we can reach. That we might be born who we are. That we might remember them. So we do. With love and caring and scribing each fact of their existence, because we are they and they are the sum of who we are. So, as a scribe called, I tell the story of my family. It is up to that one called in the next generation to answer the call and take my place in the long line of family storytellers. That is why I do my family genealogy, and that is what calls those young and old to step up and restore the memory or greet those whom we had never known before.

-Author Unknown


Strangers In The Box

Come, look with me inside this drawer,
In this box I've often seen,
At the pictures, black and white,
Faces proud, still, and serene.
I wish I knew the people,
These strangers in the box,
Their names and all their memories,
Are lost among my socks.
I wonder what their lives were like,
How did they spend their days?
What about their special times?
I'll never know their ways.
If only someone had taken time,
To tell, who, what, where, and when,
These faces of my heritage,
Would come to life again.
Could this become the fate,
Of the pictures we take today?
The faces and the memories,
Someday to be passed away?
Take time to save your stories,
Seize the opportunity when it knocks,
Or someday you and yours,
Could be strangers in the box.

Author Pam Harazim, contributed by Ann Marie Freeman

Some ancestors had a magic way
Of leaving trails to climb each day
They had a goal and climbed with care
Faith gave them dreams and a home most fair
So from a land across the sea
They came to a land most promised to be
And lived their lives happy and free
They gave us freedom and a heritage great
Anchoring our souls from a cruel fate
Great thrills and joys their stories bring
Of the lives they lived and the songs they sing
God grant that I may useful be
And meet these dear ones in Eternity

- Eunice E.C. Record


Genealogy, begins as an interest, becomes a hobby, continues as an avocation and in the last stages, is an incurable disease.
Author Unknown


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